PrintSpace. Click on a photo below to view and register for a workshop!
How to hold a virtual First Friday at PrintSpace on June 5th? I did not think our quarantine days would last this long, so it was time to learn what everyone else had to: The Dreaded Zoom! My thinking was to have participants gather some easy - to -find platemaking materials and create a drawing to use for making a plate during a Zoom session. It started with this idea:
“Since many of us are rather stuck inside looking out, or looking through a sort of face covering, I thought it would be fitting to capture and share our views from our windows. Of course you can draw what you actually see, parts of what you actually see, or what you would prefer to see. Whatever makes you happy! Or contemplative, or human.”
And grew to this: “A few weeks ago, your window view was probably just that: A “longing for” view from your window. These days, it may be a view from your phone's camera. I want to acknowledge, honor and document your "Window View".
I am hoping we can meet tonight and get some printing plates made from your drawings to print up and exhibit.”
That was June 5th. With plates I receive through the mail or dropped by PrintSpace (509 Senator Street, Brooklyn, NY 11220) I will act as Master Printer. But only for the moment. I will print versions of your plate, hang one version in my window, and mail your plate and prints back to you until such time as PrintSpace can open up and invite you in to print your own plates.
It is my hope to have a window full of imagery documenting your thoughts and feelings emerging from this heightened time, and perhaps find other windows for our windows.
The only cost is postage.
If you wish to submit a plate please check the FB link which includes a video demo. Email with any questions!